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8 week old Colt losing hair

21 9:53:15

My 8 week old colt is happy and healthy except for one thing. About 2 weeks ago he lost all the hair around both eyes and on his nose. I thought it might be from rubbing his face on the mare while nursing. The hair loss is very uniform. It made him look like he had a mask on. Now the tops of his ears are losing hair along with the rest of his muzzle. Could it be fungal? What products are there to help? Should I have the Vet see him?

Lee Anne,
 This is very common in young foals.  They loose the hair around their entire muzzle, eyes, and ears before their "adult" permanent hair comes in.  If you don't see new hair coming in, or growing within a few weeks, then I would call a vet, but this sounds normal at this time.
