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respect or no respect

21 9:47:21

I have a 16+ Hand 5 yr old gelding, which I have had for 6 months now.  He was a ranch horse therefore had little to no ground work done.  I am not one to just tack and ride, I want to be able to gain respect, confidence, and trust on the ground as well as under saddle.  I was very timid of horses up until I bought him and have shown confidence while riding and grooming him and he NEVER showed any signs of disrespect.  Two weeks ago he was used as a demo horse (which I was there and watched it all) for 2 days and was taught how to lunge, not push, back-up, in addition he was taught to go off leg pressure. switched to a bit (I had him in a hack) and flex his neck.  Now that he is settled back into being home he acts like he hates me!  Yes he lets me brush him, hug on him and he will back up from the lead when told, but I tried riding him today and while using leg pressure he crow hopped on me (I never used legs pressure to steer before)after that I walked him about 50 yards and got off. I brought him to the round pen and ran him and all h$%# broke loose.  Once I got him going in one direction he was great it was trying to get him to turn direction that the ears went back, he cut through the round pen, which okay I can handle that it was when I tried to get him to turn direction and he spun his hind quarters to me and bucked.  I turned him away from me and went back to making him give me his eyes, backing up on lead line, "hooking on", and flexing for me.  He was fine with all that.  Basically I am now terrified to ride and groundwork him, I fear that he hates me and has no respect for me.  It took me 6 months (prior to buying him) working and being around horses just to have the nerve to feed them so I know I have come a long way, but now this.  How can I go back to having the horse that I adored so much?

Dear Misty,
          He was used in a demo with another person, therefore he respects that person who taught him. The only thing to do is see if you can't take a course with him. Try to find a horsemanship course to enroll in with him.
         If that is to expensive, (it usually is a lot) I would go back to step 1. Rework him from the beginnig up. Start again with groundwork and don't ride until he stops acting like that. When he finally calms down move onto step 2 of training him. Just keep doing the basic's until he gets them back.
         He crow hopped when you used pressure because you have never used it before on him, horses have differant personality's. Your gelding reacts badly to new situations and freaks out, where other horses don't even turn a hair. It's all in time, you must work with him everyday two times a day, with a break for a few hours in between,
           Don't try to do to much to fast, it will push his patience as well as yours. Remember, start with the basic's you have to re-teach him everything. Make him work for his attention. Groom him more often to stregthen the bond.
           I'll tell you something no one ever told me, Horses will try anything to get out of doing something they don't like. I have broken many bones with horses, but i still breed, ride, and train them. WHY? you may ask, because horses don't understand things the way we do and we as people must remember that.
           I will tell you that horses are dangerous and unpredictable, but i accept that, and that will have to be something you have to accept if you want to ride, and own a horse.