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horse not walking properly

21 9:49:27

I have a mare around 8 that yesterday started to exhibit some odd walking behavior. She lifts one rear leg up when she walks all the way to her belly. She is not trying to kick her stomach, she just keeps lifting this leg up so high. Her appitite is great, she is very alert, no swelling in the leg, not heat, and nothing in the hoof. She tries to turn from on the haunches but still keeps lifting this leg.She backs up and does not lift it that far. I took her for a walk and it got a bit better, but she still curls it up underneath her.. Should I call my vet or a chiropractor. Please help.


I think your first call needs to be to your vet and rule out any neurological issues or injury.  The chiropractor may well have to be called in as well.  A lot is going to depend upon what is happening.  

Your description could fit a number of different issues ranging from EPM to stringhalt.  Your vet will undoubtedly have to do a complete exam which may entail blood work, Xrays or ultrasound exams.  It may be something obvious or subtle.  

Let me know what your vet tells you, please.  I am always concerned when I hear of horses experiencing problems that don't have a quick, easy answer.  
