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21 10:04:12

i'm in middle school and have to do a science fair project. i would like to do it on something about horses. here are 2 questions i came up with. are they any good? which is better? there they are: do differnt breeds of horses digest their food differntly? does a horse's hair color have to do with how strong the hair is? thanks for your help.

Hi Kay! Thanks for giving me the chance to talk to you! Sounds like you're well on your way to a good start for your science fair project and you picked my favorite topic...horses! Both of those ideas are great ones! I can't be of much help on the haircoat since I dont do much genetics work but if you do choose that one, I can provide you with some links to help you out. As for breeds and digestion, that is definately a great topic too. And I can tell you that there are some differences in digestion amongst hotter blooded breeds versus cooler breeds (ie: arabians or thoroughbreds versus appaloosas). I have a lot of information I can copy and provide to you if you would like. just check with your parents and make sure its okay that you give me your mailing address. If you'd like to have them email me, they can at . I'm sure you're going to put a lot of work into it and do great and I look forward to hearing from you! -Samantha