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Breeding an older horse...

21 9:31:24

I just got me first horse a 30 year old mare quarter horse. She must have been in heat the day that we brought her to our barn where we also have a gelding. The two are separated by fences but they stick their heads over and sniff and lick each other all the time. Shes urinating a lot when shes around him and she does what some call "WINKING" she'll turn her tail to him and put her tail up and flicker her vaginal muscles. Now, obviously she couldn't be bred by a gelding, but at 30 years old would it be possible to breed her still or is she too old? She is in GREAT health and she seems like she really wants to be bred! Thanks for your help


First off, no, she is way too old to be bred.  She's the equivalent of a person of 90 years old!!  Give me a break!  I'm astounded that she still comes in season but face it, lots of senior citizens still have active sex lives with no thoughts of procreation but simply for pleasure.  Why else develop things like Viagra?
