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horse giving birth

21 9:34:58

i need to know how i can pinpoint when a mare is ready to have her colt i have a american saddle bread  and she was bread on june 25,2008 its her second colt im not working  now and i need to be able to pinpoint as close as possiable to birth without spending money on testing products

Hello William,

 I believe there is no way to exactly pinpoint when a foal will come.  Count 11 months plus or minus 2 weeks from the day she was bred and you will have an approximation.  Check her udder daily and when it gets full and begins to drip, you can expect the foal very soon.  

When the foal is coming, leave the mare alone. Do not try to assist unless she cannot deliver. Then call the vet immediately.  Do not try to pull the foal in order to save money. You may destroy the foal and the mare. After the foal is born,  paint the umbilical cord with iodine and then leav them alone to bond for several hours.  Then make the vet appointment.  

You will need to have the vet out within 24 hours to check to see if the mare has lost the afterbirth and to give the foal the initial innoculations.  If any part of the afterbirth remains in the mare, she can founder or worse.  You will have to spend some money.  Call the vet before the occasion and arrange a payment plan.

Best wishes,