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pregnat mare

21 9:35:26

How can I tell if she is getting close,her nipples are waxy. I really don't want to miss it!!


it takes experience to be able to read the physcial signs a mare show to predict foaling. Even then the mare usually winds up fooling you and foaling when you dont expect. The best way is to buy a commercially available milk test kit that can be used to predict foaling theoretically within 24 hours based on the concentrations of electrolytes that change in the milk before foaling. this test too is fallible, but is our best way of predicting a foal at this time. If she's waxed, she should be close- within maybe 2 weeks or less.
Good luck with junior. Make sure you have a vet involved to check the foal at 24 hours and run a test to make sure the foal got the antibodies passed in the milk. Also, you have hopefully vaccinated the mare very well for herpes throughout pregnancy and gave a full set of vaccinations at 30 days before the expected due date. if this is the first you have heard of these things, Im afraid to tell you you have not prepared yourself or your mare and her foal adequately. You need a vet involved all the way. Good luck in the foaling. let me know if you have any other questions.