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Hunter in Hand

21 10:01:58

I recently purchased a Paint mare from an auction. Her Dam side is all thoroughbreed and her sires side is all paint. She has great confirmation and is a looker. She has very minimal white but 2 striking blue eyes. She is about 16.5HH and 3 years old.

I've always ridden western (Barrels, trail, reining) but have always wanted to get into an English disipline. Everyone who has seen her agree that she "looks" more like an English horse than western and I'd like to start her (and I) out on something we might be able to handle like Hunter in Hand.

I can't seem to find the rules on proper attire (I know it would be english, but I don't know what all would be involved) and tack (would any english bridle do or would I need a full caveson with double reins). Someone mentioned that you set a hunter in hand up straight with one rear foot back, is that true. Any information on Hunter in hand or other classes to enter her in so her and I can get a feel for and see if we like English would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Hi Shawna;

Hunters can be quite 'trendy'.  So, it's best if you go to some hunter shows in your area and see what's 'in'.  

Hunter classes can also vary from region to region.  So again, going to watch a few is your best bet.

I have seen hunters set up as you described, but only in simple snaffle bits and bridles, no double bridles.

I wish I could be more specific for you, but Hunters is a very 'fussy' discipline and regionally ruled.  Even the 'preferred' color of the horses can be an issue.  

Go watch, ask for the name of the local club and then contact them for their rule book.

Good luck!


Lana Reinhardt