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Standardbred Racing

21 9:30:19

My question is concerning the types of standardbred races. If I go to a standarbred track to watch races, I will see that trotting races are allowed and pacing races are allowed.
My question is this: What is the industry reason for not allowing running or galloping or cantering races? Would running horses pulling a sulky be too dangerous or is there some other obscure reason. (note), I am not talking about a horse brealing stride. I am talking about the entire field being runners.

  You will see trotting and pacing races because that is what Standardbred horses have been bred to do for the past 150 years or so. The races with "running, galloping or cantering" would feature Thoroughbred or Quarter Horses, or on rare occasion Arabian Horses.
  Here is some more information of Standardbred horses:

  If you have any other questions, drop me a line and I will try to help you.
Best wishes for success at the track!
Anne Stepien