Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses > mare


21 9:31:53

i have just bought a mare and foal 2 weeks ago ,and i can catch the foal but i cant get even close to the mare she just looks so nasty at me ant tips at the moment she is in a field with the foal which is only 5 weeks old and a stallion who loves attention,

Dear Delyth

Sorry, maybe it's a language difference between the U.K. and the "colonies', but I can't picture what your mare is doing. You say she "looks nasty"...OK....but then what?  I haven't a clue what "ant tips" is.

For a short answer; I think I would handle the foal a lot.  Get it used to treats, leading, handling, brushing and see if the mare will follow suite.  Meanwhile, what's "ant tips"?

Good Luck

Lynne Curtis Gudes
"Common sense isn't."