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shoulder problem

21 9:47:33

hi please could you help i have taken my nieces pony on board for my daughter. and he seems to have had this lameness from the shoulder for about a year i am sure this has been the result as a injury as i have been told of people that she had been chasing him on the lunge . and he may have tripped. not 100% what has happened but i know that my sis had the vet out and give him anti biotics and bute. no diagnosis,he was box rested for several weeks and still he does not seem to get any better. since i have had him on devils claw supplement and cod liver oil.i took him into the school todays and gently walked him around for about 5 -10-10 minutes he started off quite poor with lameness and started napping.not sure if this was the result of his routing meal time been so close to the exercise time or it was pane, never the less he did quiet down and loosened up as a little but then i noticed his shoulder had become swolling,it stood out quite proud from the other not sure what action to take next he is 14 years old and a welsh x Arab. he has  sweet nature and is very loyal. i have no intentions on giving up on him i am just very frustrated not knowing what to do for him. i would like to see him come good again but more importantly pain free. please could you help

Hi Charlene:  This isn't an easy question that has an easy answer, that's for sure.  First of all, I would like to commend you for taking this pony in, caring for him so well, and doing everything you can to care for him properly.  The first piece of advice I can give you here is that this sweet, loyal boy needs a proper veterinary diagnosis.  The fact that he was given antibiotics and bute leads me to believe the previous vet had some concerns about some sort of infectious process.  It also concerns me a lot that he was rested in a box stall, limiting his movements, for several weeks and is still no better.  

The other issue that concerns me is that he started napping while you were gently walking him around.  I'm not a vet, but this doesn't seem normal to me.  And yes, you're right, if he's in pain he may not be resting well, or could be emotionally "shutting down," and stopping to nap is his way of dealing with that.  That's a very good observation on your part.  

The third concern is that after you gently walked him, his shoulder became very swollen and noticeably stands out from the other one.  This would lead me to believe that he may have dislocated his shoulder joint or ruptured some of the supporting ligaments when he got injured.  I don't know whether the vet ever performed a "follow-up" visit?  It's possible that it may be easier for the vet to diagnose this problem now that it's chronic and not acute.  This may involve diagnostic ultrasound or other procedures on the shoulder.  

At this point it's definitely not a chiropractic problem, but a veterinary issue.  After a proper diagnosis and treatment protocol, the vet may be willing to work with an animal chiropractor to help restore normal range of motion to the shoulder joint and the surrounding areas.  

I completely understand your not wanting to give up on him, and to help him find an answer to his problem; I would feel the exact same way in your shoes.  Please let me know how he progresses, and what the vet feels his prognosis will be.  Thank you for your question; I hope I have been able to give you at least a little insight.  I certainly wish you the best in your patient efforts.