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Lump Under His Belly

21 9:46:51

Hi, I'm Nicole, i have noticed a lump under my horses belly and I'm getting worried, it is not getting bigger but not any smaller, it is not causing him any discomfort but as i push it it will take the shape of my fingers or hand, could you possibly tell me what it is or anything it could possibly be? thank you.

hi nicole,
hmm well if its not getting any bigger or any smaller then its not an abcess. it if does get bigger and harder then it is an abcess, so just look for any signs of it changing. other then that i would say it is a sist. you can get dmso from your vet and rub it on the lump. wear gloves when you put it on though or you will get a very bad taste in your mouth. theres really nothing else you can do. good luck
amanda groff