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Problem with my own horse

21 9:54:18

Hi there! My name is monika. I am a German riding instructor and have been around horses for about 25 years. My own horse called BOO is a ten year old TB X Hanoverian gelding i have got him nearly 3 years. He has never been easy. When i first got him i had to sit in his stable for hrs for him to make the first step to come to me. He has been a very nervy horse. But he really trusted me. Now since about two weeks i can't catch him anymore.He backs away from me.He is not nice to ride anymore.He is so tence. Even in his stable he really doesn't want me to touch him. When i groom him he is all tence and it looks like he is terrified of me and i don't know why.
Can you please help me because i don't know what else to do.I started sitting in his stable again for him to come to me,but he is standing in the corner for well the longest was 4 hrs. Please help me!!!   Thank you x


Think carefully back to 2 weeks ago and see if you can possibly recall anything that happened to start his fears again.  Something has happened with this horse.  How is he with other people?  Scared of them too?  

I don't know how familiar you are with the concept of round pen work but I think that would be a big help with him.  You are going to have to go back to the beginning and start over with him to regain his trust and the round pen is excellent for this.  He'll be able to move, eventually that will get him a little tired and he'll start looking for ways to get some rest.  Then he'll be willing to work with you.  He sounds like he's one step away from a near panic attack and his brain isn't working well at this point.  So you have to get the brain working again.  This isn't going to happen overnight but you can make it happen.  If you don't have access to a round pen then it's a lot harder.  If you do and aren't familiar with how to use it there are dozens of books and video tapes available on it by a number of well-known people - John Lyons, Curt Pate, Monty Blake, Pat Parelli, etc.  You can even probably find some translated to German which would make it easier for you.  In any event, that's your best alternative.

I would also suggest some aromatherapy in his stall.  Check with your source, be it Internet or a store (I'm sorry but I don't know what kind of stores sell essential oils in Germany; in the US I get them at health food stores) for a blend with a name like Serenity, Peace, Happiness.  You get the idea.  Sprinkle it liberally around his stall.  I would also put some Bach's Rescue Remedy in his water.  A couple of droppersful per bucket should be good.  This will help calm some of his fears.  I generally rub the oils on the nostrils but in this case I think that's too much.  Same with the Rescue Remedy.  I administer it by putting a dropperful on my hand and massaging it into the gums under the upper lip.  But, given his present state that's out of the question.  

I would also suggest getting him checked out thoroughly by a vet, draw some blood, make sure there's nothing going on there.  Also have him checked by a chiropractor to see if he needs to be adjusted.  Also find out if anything around the barn has changed - feed, hay, schedule, anything.  Or if anything happened that you weren't told about.  

This is a case where some detective work may help you figure out why this happened in the first place.  Try what I have suggested with the essential oils and the Rescue Remedy and if you are going to be able to do the round pen work.  If not I'll try to figure out some alternative things for you to do.
