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kids and riding

21 10:03:57

Hi, I'm a high school senior doing a research paper on the benefits of horseback riding on children's lives. I was wondering if you knew anything on the subject, and if you would be available for an email interview.


Thanks for your question and sorry it took me so long to get back to you. Now, I'm not sure what kind of benefits you are looking for but I'll try to help.

Personally for me when I was a kid, horses just gave me something to do that I really enjoyed. It was fun and I loved just being around the barn. As I got a little older, horses became more of an outlet for me. If I was mad or something I would head to the barn and just focus on riding.

For some children, it's a phase. I know a lot of people who I rode with until I was about 10 and then they stopped because they had other things that they enjoyed more. But whether they stay with it or not, riding has the same benefits as most sports. Something to do. It gives excersise, new friends and a place to have fun.

And for disabled children, it gives them something that they can actually do. There are programs all across North America for handicapped children to learn to ride. Like the NARHA which you can learn more about at

I hope that was somewhat helpful to you. And yes, if you would like I can be available for an e-mail interview. You can contact me at

* meg *