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bumps on horses knees

21 9:52:41

My mom has a 18-year-old mare that has large bumps on both her front knees! We looked it up in the Horse Encyclelopidia & found out she had a condition called splints, but it didn't say what to do for it!!! The poor mare is limping around our farm trying to keep up with the other horses without bringing any pain to her sore legs!!! Noone rides her since she is limping but her legs never heal! She's in pain!
               Please respond soon,

hi Tabitha
it the bumps are on the knees then she has bucked shins. if the bumps are on the splint bones then yes she does have splints. since you said shes not ridden much ill give you the diagnosis for splints. start with ice packs on them for about 25 min two times a day. the you can poultice the horse over night. make sure you keep the poultice in the refrigerator though. if not it doesn't do much. light exercise along with this will help. as she becomes less sore the more work you can gradually increase. if you have any other questions don't be shy to ask.
Amanda Groff