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Your reply re Herbie

21 9:41:09

Many thanks for getting back to me re my daughter Pippa and her Eventer Herbie. I sort of thought that's what you'd have to say BUT it was worth the question - there may have been some other pearl!!

I want to leave comment (positive!) but can't do so as you sent a no reply reply!!

By the way, I am in UK near to Windsor Ascot Guildford

Kind regards

Hello Peter,

I agonize over making these no reply replies because I want so much to help, but no matter how I would try to reply, I would have to fall back on "I'd have to see what is happening".  So often the rider or parent has one opinion or other and I may see (or a trainer there might see) a totally different thing happening.  It's one of those situations that can't be fixed without seeing.  So I do hope you will find an answer soon so that Pippa can enjoy eventing.  

I was just at an eventing clinic over the weekend, coached by Peter Gray (former Canadian team coach) in Washington state about 5 minutes from my farm.  I picked up a couple of jewels that I can use to help you guys when you write.

The best of wishes,
