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nose bleeds and what it can lead to

21 9:55:18

Hello, I have a 8 year old quarter horse anmed buddy. The past few days the temperature has been dropping at nights i have been having to put a blanket on him. well yesterday i went out the air was dry and cold and there was a cold wind. Well being the trooper that my horse is we decided to ride. He was doing fine and after an hour i dismounted. When i was untacking him i noticed that his nose was bleeding.. not alot but just a little mixed with some mucos. i didnt freak out and the vet was closed so i just splashed some water on it to keep in moist. Then that night when i went out to feed him when he was done he went stright to the water bucket and drank down alot and when he brought his head up he started yawning real big. I was a little worried that he might be choking so i went over to him and started massaging his throat he kept on yawning and after another sip of water was fine and on his way to eating grass. I really didnt think much of it. but today i was giving him treats just two and he chewed them and when it was time to swallow he went to the water trough and started doing it agina. i was wondering if the nose bleed the yawning have anything to with eachother. also i read about a disease that is fatal that starts off with nose discharge tough time swallowing and unbalanced gait. his gait is pleasant and i am not sure if the yawning is also a way of having trouble swallowing. I am not paranoid that he has that disease i was reading about which can kill him. so please if you think its just being over pretective or if i shold really consider gettin a vet out let me know. or just let me know how you feel on this subject.

conserned mother

P.S we just got a new dog that barks alot at night and lives in the pasture with the horse. could that be whats makin him yawn during the day?

if his temperature is normal, it is probably nothing to worry about, if not, get in touch with your vet at once.

he could have a minor head infection causing the mucous and blood. not much difference than your own head cold.

if he's not coughing, just keep an eye on it in case it gets worse.