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21 9:52:19

hey my me and the people at my stables think that my mare may be preggy! and about to drop any day! i got her 10 months ago and science she has bin with me she hasn't bin around any stailiens that i know of! about 3 weeks ago i put a muzzule on her at nights because i thought she was getting a grass belly but it hasn't gone down and I'm worried about because of her health and  she is my daughters pony. would it of bin possible that my gelding ,that was cut late, could have had a part in it?    what signs could help me tell that she is preggy? thank Emma

well a pregnancy test should be your first priority, her belly will get large and during the last trimester her teets will swell and her udder will drop. Keep a close eye on her and get a test done on her. check for signs of movement, and restlessness by the mare, If she is that into her pregnancy the foal movement should be visable.