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Miniature baby horse....:bad hooves

21 10:09:16

We had a vet come out and tell us we might need to "put down" our miniature baby pony because her back hooves might be "bad"..took x-rays, etc. She is overweight and just wondering if they ever put casts on ponies to strengthen their legs..we are not intending to put her down...thank you for your thoughts and have a happy holiday.  

Hye! Thanxs for your question and I hope I can be of some help. Well, I'm not a vet and I've never studied horse meicine but I should think that if you really wanted to, you could find a vet that would put cats on. It wouldn't be comfortable for the pony but ya. Most local vets won't do it and would send you somewhere else but it can be done I should think.It really depends on where you live. Like if you lived on a big farm or near a big hosptial (animal one) then a big option could be swimming therapy. It would help her lose weight and strenghen her feet. That's not usually an option though. But really it all depends on where you live and what the vet can do. I'm sure something can be done so putting her down shouldn't be a major option. Although if it's causing her pain and you can't do much don't make her suffer. I know it's seems unhumane but think about it. But personally I wouldn't even consder it yet until you found all the possible options. Just talk to you vet / local vet hospital. Hope I was the littlest bit ofhelp.

- Meg -