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Breeding the older mare

21 9:53:29

My horse is 17 years old but acts like a 5 year old. We tried to breed from her 3 years ago but she hated the stallion. She is now a fit horse and has no medical problems. Would it be possible to breed from her now if we could find the right stallion, she mothers everthing that she rides out with or is in the field with.

Dear Lorna,
          In the wild animals breed right up until they die, it would not be a problem to breed her. If she dislikes a stallion you should try Artifical Insemination, some vets will do it but others won't. That option is much safer then bringing a stallion in to mount a mare as breedings can be very unpredictable. But keep a close eye on her because she is older, but by all means go ahead!