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How much is he worth?

21 9:54:56

Hello! well i have a 5 year old, 16.3hh dun thoroughbred gelding, he has had professional training, he has competed in jumping and hunter classes, has done very well in 2.6 foot classes. He has excellent bloodlines, father is famous racer, he is registered. He is a gorgeous horse. Dressage: he has been in dressage shows and has done very well in that also.
If u can write back telling me how much u think he worth, that would be great! thx!

Hello Jamee,

There is no such thing as a dun thoroughbred. He may be purebred, but it would probably be Quarter Horse.  Thoroughbreds do not come in that color.  If he is Thoroughbred, he is not dun.

As for training, I would have to know what places he got in his competitions and what was his competition ... who did he compete against.  What level in dressage and what was his numerical score.  Please give me these answers and perhaps I can give you a ball park figure.

Happy riding,