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pregnant pony mare

21 9:52:58

hi  i  just  bought  this  pony  mare  and  now  the  owners  tell  me  that  there  paint  stallion  got  lose  and  was  lose  in  the  barn  when  my mare was  in  there  tired  up  and  the  owner  said  that  when  he  found  hem he  was  standing  right  behide  her so i  dont  know  if  she  was  breed  or  not  and  i  got  her  in  april  and  she  hasnt  been  i  heat  since  2  weeks before  i  got  her  in  april  so  what  is  the  chance  that  she  was  breed  ? and  the  other  eisue  with  her  is  when  i  got  her  i  put  her  with  my  gelding  and he  chased  her  all  around  the  fild  and  i  brought  hem  in  and  left  hem  in  for  a  few  days  and  then  i  tried  hem  out  with  her  again  and  he  did  the  same  thing  but  ran  right  through  the  wired  fance but  before  she  was  put  oput  with  hem  the  first  time  i  had  another  mare  with  hem  and  i  sold  her and  put  the  other  mare  with  hem  could  he  have  been  so  atached  to  her??  megan  

Dear Megan,
          The chance that you mare is pregnant is so-so. It takes time to breed, and even if she was covered she had to of been in heat to take and get pregnant. Your gelding may be chasing her around because he is territorial and not wanting her to be there. When you introduce two horses you do not put them together right away you introduce them where they will be safe from each other, that is the gelding's home and he probably dosen't like intruders. If the mare is pregnant you should start seeing signs withing 40-60 days, Fatting up, behavior changes, eating more, and much later swollen udders and leaking milk.