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pigeon toed 8 yr old paint

21 9:45:27

Hi, We are considering buying an 8 yr old paint mare but after seeing her she is pigeon toed. When we first saw her walk & trot it looked as though she was really throwing her legs out to the side in the rear. After she was ridden for about 15 minutes it seemed to get better. The owner has not ever shoed her and has not taken care of her feet. She has cracked hooves and they are overgrown. We ultimately want to train her to be a hunter jumper (she was doing this about 5 years ago and then was just a bareback horse on the trail) but i am concerned about her feet and legs. What do you think? I have some pics of her if you want to see her. Will this be a problem in the show ring and for the horse as far as lameness goes?
Thank you,

Hello Christine,
yes, pictures would be great. The way a horse moves has a lot to do with how well the hooves are kept up. I would be happy to have a look at some pics and at least let you know what I think. It may be hard, however, to predict later issues since these are all dependent on future hoof care. Often, horses who are pigeon toed or toe out are "artificially" straightened out with shoes and may travel very well. However, later in their life this can catch up with you since you cannot make a hoof look straight on a horse that does not have straight legs and not end up with lameness.
So, it all depends on whether the horse now looks pigeon toed because the hooves are in such bad shape or whether it is really a conformation issue. Dependent on the type of showing you would like to do, I am not sure to what extent conformation will matter as long as the horse remains sound and happy doing the work you want her to do. If straight leg looks are important to you, then you may have to think about what is most important to you...long term soundness and not worrying about the looks or straightened hooves and possibly later lameness. If you could send pics of her from the front, back and side would be great!

Looking forward to hearing from you!
