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Jump Building

21 10:09:18

Hello. I noticed that you knew quite a bit about jump course design so I became curious. Do you happen to know much about building your own jumps? I want to come out with a bunch of differnt jumps, yet ones that are easy to make on my own. If you know any tips or have any websites or something that would help me out, i'd really appreciate it. Thanks for your time :)

Dear Bella,

What a task you're taking on! I, myself have never actually built my own jumps. However, I believe that the general standard would be the mot difficult part. The simplest way, and my personal recommendation is to build the simple poles first. These poles can be moved around at your convenience to form oxers, verticles and triples. It may be best to look around for the best and strongest wood, cut as poles, sand them down, then to paint them different striped colors. The standards to hold them should be about 6 ft. tall with several holes cut to hold the cups for different height options. I have to be honest with you in that I have no idea how these metal cups are made, nor where to buy them. I do however suggest a tack shop nearest you where you may be able to purchase them. Look in course designing books as well to learn abot the width and heights of both the poles and standards.
Happy to help if you have any further questions!
kathyn Chasey