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6 mo old colt

21 9:20:16

I have had a 6mo old colt for about 2 weeks and I have a few questions about his behavior. I work with him daily as far as just leading him and getting to know him. He was not handled or halter broke when we got him. He seems to have a real attitude. Im 43yo and do have some horse experience but never with a horse that isnt trained. We are able to go right up to him and put the lead on and he does follow but over the last few days he has been scraping the gound when I stop to pet him or try to make him turn. Today he actually kicked me with his FRONT hoof when I was standing in front of him! I use a firm but gentle tone of voice with him . Do you have any suggestions to stop this? Today I told him no and pulled firmly on the lead rope. I want this to be a pleasant experience for both of us and would love to have some tips. I do have help from an experienced trainer but he's not with me everyday. Any training tips would be appreciated as I dont believe you can ever have too much knowledge!!

Becky Edelson

Hello Becky,

Thanks for your question sorry for the delayed reply we are getting ready for winter here.

When the horse acts out with striking give him three swift jerks in the lead line and back him and few steps or turn him in a few circles to correct him.