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21 10:08:41

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Can I dye my horse's white hair?
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what can i dye my horses hair with? Is there something I should watch out for?
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im not sure what kind of dyes are avaliable for horse hair, were you thinking of dying the mane or tail or the coat? it is harmless to dye the mane or tail aslong as you dont get it on the coat. however; human hair dye may be too harsh for horse skin and may irritate it so unless you find a dye for horse fur then i wouldnt suggest it

My horse has a rub across his nose from the halter.  When it grew back it is almost white.  It makes him look very old looking in the show ring.

you can buy horse make up for that sort of thing. it comes in a powder and is very easdy to apply, so theres no need to use dye. handy eh? good luck witht the showing! Im not sure where you can buy it from, have a look through some horse catalogues or online equine shops. hope i was of help,