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21 10:03:07

what care can you give a horse who has foundered and is having trouble with her hooves.

First, I'm going to assume that you've already got a vet and the farrier on the case, right? Because if you don't - you're already giving substandard care in my humble opinion.

So let's say that there is a course of corrective shoeing, and that the vet has taken a "baseline" set of x-rays to access the rotation of the coffin bone and advise the farrier the best corrective shoeing adjustments. After that, you need to make sure that everything happens like clockwork and on schedule... corrective shoeings, exams, and regular feedings with proper wormings and vaccinations. You may want to look into some hoof ointments from your vet, to encourage the hoof to regrow and grow stronger.

Unfortunately, lamititis is a long term injury and takes a very long term and lots of care to stabilize. So your best plan is to be vigilant, careful and spend time with the vet and farrier discussing how things are going...