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bucked shins

21 9:27:26

hello madam, may i know what is bucked shins, can you please tell me when does occur in horses at what age, gender???

A Bucked Shin occurs when the periosteum tears away from the front of the cannon bone. In young horses the anterior surface of the cannon bone is softer and less dense than in older more mature horses making it more likely that the connective tissue will tear away from the bone under the pressure involved in high speed workouts. There are many factors which affect bone density and good nutrition is critical to bone development in young horses. Exercise is also critical in bone development which means that young horses should be on an exercise program whether it is competitive playing in a large pasture or on a jogging wheel that will increase their bone density through consistent pressure on their bones while moving at an extended trot. Bones will increase in density and strength when they are put under stress. Prevention is by far the wiser and safer course and muscle and bone development is critical for all types of horse. Far too many horse owners think that early development in their horses just naturally takes place without considering the need to build a strong foundation for a future athlete. it can happen in younger horses that are developing and it will happen in all genders.