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Hoof Care

21 10:03:18

I have a 5-year-old filly that has extremely long hooves.  They need to be trimmed, but she refuses to trust any farrier, or even my father.  I can't even find a farrier that will come out and see her anymore.  I've tried them all and every one has left in frustration because she refuses to hold still.  
I'm only 15, but I wonder if maybe you can tell me how I can trim her hooves on my own?  She seems to only be able to trust me and a couple of my friends, but adults make her nervous.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

Hello Andi,
You're in a difficult situation.  Hoof-trimming is a delicate business, and you need to be sure of what you're doing.  However, you have a few choices.  Sometimes there are classes that teach you how to be a farrier.  You could see if there are any around you, and if they would let you in.  You could also ask a nicer farrier if they could show you how to do basic trimming.  Be prepared to pay them to teach you.  It may be hard to find a farrier willing to teach you.  You might want to get some books or go to a clinic to get your horse trusting more adults.  There are lots of "natural training methods", and you shouldn't have a problem finding some books or videos.  To get your horse to trust a variety of adults, find some people who are willing to work with you and her.  Maybe a few adults at your barn, or your parents.  
I hope this helps.  Good luck with your filly!  If you have any more questions, feel free to reply.