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sprained knee

21 9:49:41

Hello,  My 9 yr. old QH sprained his knee about 3 months ago.  He is still very sore on it.  When he did it there was no swelling and no heat, but he would not let you flex it.  I was just wondering if you knew of anything that I could do for him to lessen his pain.  Thank you for your time.

hi jamie,
sorry to hear about your horse, well start by giving him joint supplements. MSN is the best one to give. with this as well though give another kind of joint supplement. just go tothe feed store and pick one out, pretty much all of them work the same. other then that run cold water over it twice a day for 20 mins. if you havnt had a vet out, i would call one and have them to x-reys and an ultra sound on his knee. this way you can see where its at right now and how much it has healed, or you can see if it will ever heal. the danger with his leg hurting him for that long is he puts all his weight on the other front leg. doing this he can go lame in that leg as well. its alot of strain for it and can bow easily. so have the vet come out to be safe. let me know how hes doing. if you have any other problems just let me know and i can help. good luck
amanda groff