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spooking and bolting

21 9:20:20

about three years ago I bought a half arabian gelding. He is now 16. Everyday he thinks he is going to die, by this I mean that he is a vrey fearful horse. How can I get him out of that red zone and start to trust me? His he to old to change these very dangerous behavoirs?  

Debbra - I just received an email from that your question had not been answered and I am so sorry that I never saw it.  I fear that my notification email must have been routed to my junk mail by accident.

So let me see if I can be of any help to you in this dangerous scenario you have described.  Since you have had this horse for three years, has this fearful behavior always existed or is this new for him?

I first advice would be to have him examined by a vet for any medical reason that would cause him to behave this way ... like maybe his vision has deteriorated to the point where what he does see, doesn't make sense to him.  If there is no medical reason, I would be very surprised but would then recommend that you consult with a trainer in your area.

This is just such a dangerous situation and I hate that I didn't see your question earlier.  Please let me know how this works out for you!

Thank you Debbra!