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balance at the trot and canter

21 9:52:37

Amanda,  I have been riding for many, many years, trail mostly and have three horses at my farm currently. I am wanting to start my 9 yr old TB over fences but have a balance issue at the trot and some times at the canter. I can not seem to keep from falling forward.  I think it is a fear issue and my forward motion is my bodies way of preventing me from a " unintended dismount" I am 38 years old and have been diagnosed with an " intercranial balance disorder" but was told it was only when my eyes are closed. I do not close my eyes while riding. Is this all fear based, am I just afraid of falling off or something, what can I do to improve my seat in an english saddle and keep my sitting up straight and not to forward.   Thank you for all your advise. I read lots of your responses to questions and they are all wonderful.

hi Lisa,
well for a while i had the same problem especially while riding the race horses, and let me tell you it is a big disadvantage. when they slow down or come to a sudden stop you for flying forward. try some sitting trot exercises. its were you get your horse totally collected ( bring him in at the bit and squeeze with your legs and get him to break at the poll and round his back) his trot will be smoother so sink all your weight to your heels and sit as straight and tall as you can. do it to wear you kinda feel like the horses movements are leaving you behind. ( this is basically like riding dressage style as well) once you have this down same as in the canter trot posting. stand up sit down stand up sit down. make sure you keep your knees squeezed. you butt only needs to leave the saddle a few inches. same as before try to sit tall and straight. if you have to push your legs in front of you further and kinda push your self back. at the canter lift yourself out of the saddle only enough to wear your not slamming on his back. make sure the horse is collected and not moving faster then he should. other then that the only thing i can think of that may be making you do this is your not keeping your knees in contact with the saddle.  keep reminding yourself squeeze with knees. if your still having problems message me again and ill see if i can think of a better method. good luck with your riding and remember it this way. if you sit forward your pretty much half way off. sit tall and strong and you will stay in the saddle. good luck!
Amanda Groff