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hard to catch horse

21 10:07:40

Dear Nadia,
I have a 12 yr old Q.H. mare that i've owned since june. She is doing well under saddle but i have a very hard time catching her. We have her in the only feild we have with our other horse. When i go to catch her i have to have someone go with me to hold the lead rope out of site or i have to hide it under my shirt of something. Lately i've been leaving the halter on her all the time so i can catch her, but it rubs her hair off and sometimes makes her get sores. But if it isn't on her in the field i cannot catch her. I have to bait her in with grain and half of the time that doesn't work either. Plus she is getting overweight from all of the extra feed. Is there anything i can do to make catching her easier?
    thanks, erin

Oh hiya u said u use grain try mabey using apples or carrots that won't make ur horse overweight.
Have u tried calling her? or like have  a summ kind of whistle tune that u can sing wen u go in and repeat it daily then mabe she could start comming to you.

But further i have no other ideas.
Hope it works and good luck
