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my stallion is going crazy

21 9:36:17

hi im 16 and have a boerperd stallion he gives me allot of trouble he throws me off regularly and i was wondering if i should get him gelded please help i need some advice


You don't say how old your horse is.  Gelding an older stallion won't be nearly as effective as gelding a younger horse, say at 3 or 4, but it will help.  You have respect issues with this horse that do need to be addressed though if he's dumping you regularly.  I would suggest getting him gelded and then doing some round pen work with him after he's recovered from the gelding.  

If you aren't familiar with round pen work there are a number of good books, and even better, videos on it.  I particularly like the Pat Parellie ones and his 7 games (exercises) that you work through with the horse.  Stallions can be very dominant, it's part of their nature as stallions, and it sounds like that's his problem.  If you don't have a round pen you can improvise one by closing off the corners of a small paddock; I use that caution tape you buy in rolls at building supply stores and lace it back and forth across the corners of the pen.  The horse won't generally want to go too near it to start and even if they do run into it the stuff will tear and not get the idiot horse hurt!  

I think you'll find him much better behaved once he's gelded and you've taken the time to re-establish your relationship with him.  He needs to respect you.  Just remember, patience is everything when working with a horse.  You have to out-patience them and convince them that it's easier to do it your way.  And be 100% consistent in your behavior and signals.  Don't accept behavior sometimes and not others.  Horses are not the brightest bulbs on the tree so they don't do well when the rules constantly change.  
