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Halter training/conditioning

21 9:34:57

QUESTION: I am training my 12 yr. old paint mare to be a halter/showmanship horse. i practice every thing and she does well i just need some help on muscle and pivoting she trots well but her bottom lip hangs slack as well any advice?

ANSWER: Dear Natalie,
Thank you for your question. It's not that you "can't teach an old dog new tricks" but you do have to be very realistic when looking at how much you are going to be able to modify ingrained behaviors in a 12 year old horse.
I can't think of anything HUMANE that will stop your mare from hanging her lip. Be thankful she doesn't hand her tongue out as some horses do. This is usually a habit/ neurosis and short of resorting to inhumane/punitive acts (which I won't detail here) or illegal pharmaceuticals- this may well be something you will have to live with.
You don't give me any details about what you mean by muscling (though I am assuming you mean conditioning) or what she is doing in her pivots that is problematic. If you can send me a more detailed follow-up I will be better prepared to offer you some suggestions.
S. Evans

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: when i try to get her to pivot she turns her head and just turns around. For the muscling part she doesnt seem to be gaining any except in her hind quarters i do alot of trotting and hill work. and yes i meant connditioning i put a neck sweat on her to sometimes but it seems like shes slowing down now when i ride since ive started using it. i want to do whats best for her even if it means looking into something else other then halter

Dear Natalie,
Thank you for getting back to me. As far as her conditioning goes- it sounds as though you have a good program going on- at 12- her body type is her body type. If she's fit and she's at a healthy weight- she's not likely to dramatically change her body type. Unless she's thick through the neck/throat- there's no sense in using a neck sweat- and they are uncomfortable.
As for the pivoting- she may never have been taught to pivot correctly. Begin this on the ground- outfit her halter with a chain- and get a dressage whip (don't worry- you're only going to annoy her with it- not hurt her).
Stand at her left shoulder and face her. Keep your hand on the shank under her chin- do not make the mistake of moving your hand under the branches of her jaw and over to the off side. The chain is a cue and that is all. Hold your dressage whip in your right hand backwards and as you cue her to pivot away from you (to the right)poke her gently but firmly in the left shoulder with the HANDLE of the dressage whip as you step directly toward her left shoulder. Throughout this process think about keeping her body STRAIGHT- one step at a time- even one step to the right without bending is worth a reward. If she doesn't move- poke a little harder. She's old enough to know to move away from pressure. Remember- don't let her step forward or backwards- in your mind- picture a board that is nailed to the ground at one end- but the other end swings free- The board is like your mare's center line- keep her straight from nose to tail.
I am so glad to hear that you have an open mind and that doing halter is not the only discipline that you have your sights set upon. As long as you are having fun with her- keep at it.
Best wishes,
S. Evans