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Liverpool bits

21 10:01:27

You mention in one of your past answers posted with "allexperts" that you use a Liverpool bit when driving your "large pony".  We have just started using a Liverpool with our big pony as well.  My question concerns how to properly attach it to the bridle.  I am assuming that the bridle straps do not attach to the loops holding the curb chain hooks, but instead attach to the swivel type loops on either end of the bar portion of the bit.  We don't currently use the curb action of this bit, and attach the reins to the same swivel loops.  I'm concerned that we are not hooking it up properly and can't find any photos that could help me make sure.  Any help you can provide on the correct attachment of the Liverpool would be greatly appreciated!


The Liverpool is just another kind of curb bit.  You attach the headstall to the rings at the top of the shank, the ones the curb chain is attached to.  Then you adjust the amount of leverage you want the bit to exert by where you hook the reins in.  If you hook the reins to the top loop, the one where the bar of the bit attaches, you get no leverage.  The farther down the shank you go, the greater the bit action.  Liverpools are generally used on horses that are too strong-minded to drive in snaffles.  
