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Am I too tall to jump with my horse?

21 9:30:28


Aussie day
Three years ago I fell in love with a fairly stocky, barely 15hh bay QH. He has been my trail horse and trusted partner ever since. Last year, I discovered his ability for jumping. Now I grew up riding English, but have always ridden him western. I would LOVE to explore this new discipline with him- nothing really serious, just novice for fun. But, here is the kicker: I am 6'2'' and fairly long legged. My feet hang down several inches below his belly... I know this is a much bigger deal for English riders than it is for western. So, am I too big to be jumping my short little horse. If we show, will I be seen as too much for him?
Thanks for you opinion!


If he has indicated he likes to jump then by all means do it!  In all honesty you probably won't do well in shows because of your size unless you get an honest judge.  You seem to have an honest intent so go ahead and do it for fun.  Do some hunter paces.  Then you can combine trail riding with jumping and your size won't make a difference.  Face it, you'd need to ride a 17+ warmblood to have a fit for your long legs!  It hasn't made a difference to you yet so don't let it do so now.  

He's not going to be easy to ride English because in English riding most of your grip comes from your knees and calves where in Western seat it's knees and thighs.  He'll be a little hard to get a leg on for you.  But he carries you easily, although in the picture at least he's got his head too high without flexing at the poll and has hollowed his back.  If he does this routinely then he would benefit from some dressage work to get him to carry himself, and you, better.  He's a cute boy, I can see why you fell for him.  

You're knowledgeable enough to know his limits in jumps height.  I probaby wouldn't ask him to jump much over 2 and a half feet, roughly a meter.  But have fun and unless somebody actually has the audacity to say something to you ignore them.  He's your bud and you're not doing anything that will hurt him.
