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foal with knee injury

21 9:53:11

I have bred a lovely foal who is now 11months old. 3 weeks ago he sustained a minor cut to the outside of his knee joint. This swelled up but with bute and antobiotic cream the swelling has gone. However he is now left with a bony lump that the vet says is similar to a splint (but on the outside of his knee), and there is nothing i can do about it. Do you agree? or is there something I could apply to reduce the lump.He is very young to be left like this. He has never been lame on it. Many Thanks.

Dear Penny,
          I would seek a second opinion on the lump on the knee, but sometimes when cuts heal they sometimes harden. If he is not lame then it probably is not a serious problem. Sometimes things like this happen and it seems to be purley cosmetic. If he does become lame then it may be something else, there are to many things it could be if he becomes lame, (ringbone is the major one) but if he does not become lame then i am sure he will be fine.