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I need some jumping Help with my Green Horse

21 9:40:19

I recently Imported a 4 yr old dutch warmblood from Holland. He did come with some training under his belt, but he needs work on a few things. I spend alot of time on flatwork about 5-6 days a week, to help with my jumping. When I do jump him I noticed that he is a bit "clumsy" with his front end (over the smaller fences), and he gets a bit distracted too... Yes, he is a very quiet horse, but do you know of any jumping exercises I can do to make him pay attention and pick his feet up over the jumps?

Thankyou So much

Congratulations on your warmblood!  These guys are notorious for their clumsiness over the smaller jumps and their uncanniness to be so easily distracted.  While doing your flat work set up two poles on the ground perpendicular to each other and in the center of the ring.  Work on cantering over them while changing directions.  As you pass over them you want to ask for your flying lead change.  The purpose of this is to get him more light on his front end and on your hand as well as to get him more aware of you rather than everything else going on.  Try not to over do it with him.  These warmbloods get bored very quickly.  When you are jumping try setting ground poles on either side of the jumps about a stride off.  This again will work on keeping him alert to you which will ultimately have him less clumsy.  Try this out, and if after a week or two you still need more exercises, get back to me and I can give you some more things to try. =)