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weight loss in mare

21 10:02:14

i wont to thank you again for all your help, i live in a very small town so it hard to find anyone who know  all about a horse other that the local vet.  one more question i have is should i remove checko for her pasture  on guy said  that  she could get ulcers from worring about foaling  with him in the pasture.  but when she is by herself she gets depressed and   does not eat  she just stand  and the fence all day

thank you so much nicole
         from arkansas

Hi Nicole;

My pleasure.  You may have to go outside of your county to get the answers you need in terms of nutrition.  But you need someone who is at least familiar with your state and the nutrient deficiencies et al, that can be found in the soil/hay/pasture/etc... in your area.  Then they can suggest the best grain and/or supplimentation for your mare.  I know that in my area, I can actually get a nutritionist from my feed mill to come to my farm, exam my pasture, hay and horses and discuss feeding programs for each horse if I need.

As for separating your mare or not, I don't know.  I've had mares that foaled in amongst the herd and others that I've pulled out.  You know your mare and her herdmate the best and therefore are the most qualified to make that decision.   Go with your instinct.

Since you don't have a lot of professional resources available in your area, you're going to have to do some research, read, study etc... and then make decisions based on that acquired knowledge and what your gut instinct tells you is the best.  I believe there is a book called 'Blessed are the Broodmares' or something along those lines that is a very good book you could get on Amazon.

Good luck!
