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Popping stifels

21 9:52:42

I have a 8yr Oldenberg Mare Dressage horse who has stifles that pop. I can feel her back end go out slightly from under her. She has been checked by several vets over the years, she is a new purchase to me. How can I build them up to stop her from becoming sore. We are doing a lot of extended trotting and NO small circles. thank you,
Karen Puccio

Dear Karen:
You indicate that you have had a number of vets examine her but you do not indicate what their findings were. Have you had X-Rays and ultra sounds performed? What you describe sounds like what is termed "upward fixation of the patella" - in people- this would be similar to having your kneecap slip out and slip back into place. I had a gelding who demonstrated this condition- at first, I thought he had stepped on his tail as there was a momentary catch to his stride (it was never at the canter- only the walk and trot) and he would walk away sound as though nothing had happened. I was told that there was a surgical proceedure that could be performed (very Iffy and expensive)to tighten the connective tissue but my vets did not reccommend the proceedure as he wasn't really in any pain and looked completely sound 95% of the time. He lived to a ripe old age and won several Regional championships.
If this is the condition- strengthening will not help the it. Without more info from your vet's examinations- it leaves me guessing. Please feel free to post a follow up if you have additional info that might help me to offer you some suggestions.
Best wishes.
S. Evans