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how do i know when a horse likes me

21 9:52:42

well you see I've only rode 3 horses and i am going to ride more this summer. i do not want to be bucked off of it please tell me how to tell if a horse likes me

Dear Sam,
        There is no set way that a horse will tell you if he "Likes" you. All horses act and behave differantly. Most of the time horses don't "Like" People they just do what they where trained and told to do. Owning a horse lets you get closer to that horse and earn trust and respect. Some horses do "Like" People but it's not always a set way.
            Usually getting bucked off a horse has nothing to do with if he likes you or not and alot to do with how he was trained, how he was disiplined, if he is in pain, irrated by something under the saddle, ETC. He may test you to begin with but after he tests you and you win then he MIGHT not act up, or he could test you repeatedly.