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lame horse

21 9:47:10

good morning all;
i have an 8 yr old throughbred gelding who until 2 months ago was quite fit , then i noticed he was lame, thought it had to be a stone bruise as he has had these in the past, farrier came to put shoes on and do his feet but said it was not a stone bruise , thought it was in his stifle area as he was very thight when he pulled the leg back to trim his feet, we see this horse running in the paddock then he can hardly walk we are at a loss and we are in an area where the vets do not know a lot about horses, he is very tender in his stifle area when i touch this area he raised his leg and moved away
please can you help ,, norma

Hi Norma.
  Sorry to hear about your problems. If there is a vet school or a veterinarian hospital within a reasonable distance from you, I definitely think your horse should be seen. As the old saying goes "Knowing the problem is half the cure."
  In the meantime, are you applying anything to his stifles? I'd suggest Kendall's Super K, or Ball solution mixed half and half with alcohol. If there is improvement it should mean you are on the right track.
   Hope this helps! If I can be of further assistance, feel free to give a shout :)
Anne Stepien