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Soybean Stems?

21 9:40:23

I was wondering if whats left after a bean feild has been harvested if whats left afterwards(the stems, ect..) will hurt my horses feet.   Thanks -Caitlyn

Hello Caitlyn,
stems and stalks that are left after harvest can hurt horse's feet. Soybean stems are not really a problem, left over corn stalks can be more problematic. Let me explain. These things will not hurt the hooves and most times when going across such a field nothing will happen. However, I have seen that some people rode across and through harvested corn fields for hours and then the back of the horse's legs ended up being scratched up from the few times the horse put a foot down right in front of a corn stalk and ended up stabbing the fetlock.
If you are careful where you ride your horse and stay between the rows of harvested crops, you should be fine! Just be aware of the fact that the fetlocks go down towards the ground with every step and it hurts when there is a piece of crop leftover in the way!
