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Fitting and Showmanship

21 10:09:26

Hi, I am showing in fitting and showmanship classes with my horse Teddy (11 yr. old, QH x. Arab.). When we are asked to trot and then halt in front of the judge, he will never halt. We always wind up way in front of the judge and lose points because he gets so strong. I practice this at our home farm, but his transitions are fine and he is very responsive. I am stuck with this. Any suggestions you have will be helpful. Thanks. ~Allison

Hi Allison,
  If you are having problems only at the show, it could be that either yourself or your horse is getting tense, and/or he is not paying attention to you.  More work away from home and at shows should help with this issue.  Does he do the same thing in the warm-up ring at the shows?  If so, this would be a good time to get him paying attention to you.  You may also want to use something that gives you more control.  I would need to know what you are riding/showing using, before i could suggest something else.  Although I don't believe in gimmicks, there are subtle changes you could make that will help.  HOpe this is of help.