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Training My FIRST Miniature Horse

21 10:01:44

Hello! I'm 14 years old and I'm getting my FIRST miniature horse in a few weeks. I'm actaully getting two..a male and female..they've both just been weened. I am wanting to know how I should train them..I want to be able to train them and also make sure they're friendly and have good-manners..I hoep you could hlep me..Thanks!


You mentioned you were getting a male and a female.  

If you are getting a stallion you need to have him gelded (neutered)...  as soon as possible!

I know nothing about "little" horses - your best source for this information should be the person you purchased them from.  

Since you don't RIDE little horses I'm not sure what you're going to do with them except let them be pets - so get with a local miniature horse association or the national association on the internet at -- I would think they have resources to assist you.

Good Luck