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Saddle pads

21 9:54:59

Can I use a dressage pad folded in half as my "for schooling" jumping saddle pad? I don't like my pads to go all the way down the saddle flap, so I was thinking that if I got a large dressage saddle pad and folded it some way it would be a schooling pad. Would that work? Should I use a full length saddle pad and just by a real half pad (for extra padding)?

Hello Holly,

Use a full length saddle pad and another real half pad for extra.  Saddle pads, if they are correct made, allow for going up into the gullet of the saddle over the horse's wither and it should be pulled up as far as it will go so as not to put pressure on the wither.  If you fold one in half it would only bear down on the wither.  Don't fold one in half.
Happy riding,