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21 9:31:29

i am looking to buy a horse, ive looked on every website i swear for about a month and i know some things are worth waiting for but i was wondering if you knew any websites?

thank you in advance

Dear Lauren

When I am looking, I just cruise the web. A Google search using the words horse"for sale" will get you 36,600,000 hits.  The words "horse rescue" will give you another 1,150,000 hit. I have had fairly good luck with and, but with millions of hits, don't limit yourself.  Also, talk to people and check the ads at your local tack store.  You don't describe at all what you are looking for.  The buckskin yearling 3/4 Andalusian colt I have for sale would be of no interest to you if you are a beginner looking for a registered Quarter Horse mare to run barrels. Be specific in your web searches and that should help find what you are looking for.

Good Luck

Lynne Curtis Gudes
"Common sense isn't."