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English saddle fitting

21 9:15:02

My horse occasionally kicks while I ride him, and I'm wondering if it's because his saddle doesn't fit him. I have heard that you should have at least 2-3 fingers that fit between the saddle and the withers. I am able to fit 4 fingers between that area, with the saddle pad and girth tightened. If his kicking is because the saddle doesn't fit him, will I need to get a new saddle or is there something I can buy to make the saddle less narrow?

Hello Mikayla,

Usually when a saddle is causing discomfort the horse will buck rather than kick.  Although it is possible that the saddle is hurting him somewhere, I would say to look elsewhere. Here are many joints that may be causing pain in the rear: stifle, hock and fetlock joint.  He also may be footsore...a shoe may be pinching.  He may have a pinched vertebre.

I would have your vet give him a very good check up and you might want to consult an equine masseuse. They are able to find pinched nerves wherever they are.

Check these issues:  Does you horse have a wide back with low withers, or a narrow back with high withers.  4 fingers is a lot of room and it suggests that the saddle may not be wide enough for him.  There are many saddle fitting experts who can tell if the saddle is right for him or not.

I hope you can find the problem. Sometimes these issues are difficult to diagnose and need several approaches.  Get the vet first and then do what he suggests.

Thanks for your question,