Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses > sore hoofs

sore hoofs

21 9:45:51

My horse walks fine on grass or sand but is very sore rocks.  I don't know if I should put shoes on the front or not.  What do you think?

Hello Linda,
Depending on how much riding you do and how often you have your horse work on rocks, you could consider various options.
If you ride all the time and and its always rocks, then shoes may be a good option. If you ride occasionally and your horse is otherwise fine being barefoot, I would consider getting hoof boots instead. You put these on only when you know you will be out on rough ground. Endurance riders use these a lot for difficult terrain. There is a website with lots of links to pretty much every hoof boot currently available...have a look: .
When you scroll down to hoof care, links to boots are provided.
Hope this helps!
